Native American Scholarship
Native American Scholarship Application Instructions (PDF – 190KB)
Download Native American Scholarship Application and Instructions
Applications due: April 25, 2024
The CCPA Native American Initiatives Committee (NAIC) strives to foster an atmosphere of cooperation and understanding between the archaeological and Native American communities through a variety of means, including but not limited to professional development of archaeological careers, education and outreach.
The CCPA offers a competitive scholarship of $1,500.00 for one college student to attend an archaeology field school. The scholarship is for a Native American college student who is enrolled in an accredited Anthropology program and the field school should be through a university or college. In lieu of an archaeological field school, the scholarship may be awarded for compensation of costs up to $1,500.00 for similar training or other educational expenses related to archaeological or anthropological studies; examples of such include (but are not limited to) training in NEPA, NAGPRA, NHPA (Section 106), museum studies, artifact analysis, tribal cultural preservation programs, etc.
For more information contact Bridget Ambler at 970.570.7770 or