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Here are some ways to learn about current research and find information of various subjects related to CCPA.  Additionally, find information on how to submit a paper for publication in Colorado Archaeology.

Check out our YouTube channel with some of the presentations given at the 2021 CCPA Annual Meeting HERE

To submit a paper for Colorado Archaeology, CLICK HERE.

To purchase CCPA Contexts, CLICK HERE.

Some other sites to visit

Rather than link to the myriad of archaeology web sites, we decided to provide merely a few links. Each of these sites has a myriad of links, however, so explore!!:

Canyons of the Ancients Visitor Center and Museum

Colorado Archaeological Society

Crow Canyon Archaeological Center

Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (OAHP)

PaleoCultural Research Group

Sign up for Southwest Archaeology Today

Society for American Archaeology

The Society for Historical Archaeology

Members Research

If you are working on something that you would like to share, please submit a one-page PDF description of  a recent project here.

Lamb Spring Archaeological Preserve

(21 December 2012)

High-Altitude Archaeology

(17 October 2012)

CCPA Site Report for the Pinon Canon Maneuver Site

(8 October 2010)

Final Report on Curation Crisis

Curation Crisis Report (PDF – 306kb)

Final Report on Petrified Wood Sourcing Project